Fully automated Leafy Greens System
Together with their partner in the USA, Prins Group has developed a fully automated leafy greens system. Various crops can be grown in this system, which is fitted with aluminium gutters. The unique feature of this system is that young plants can be grown very close together. As the crop grows, the system moves the gutters further apart, so that the product quality remains high. This is achieved by the air circulation around the crop. A major advantage is that you can grow ±40% more plants per m², compared to traditional methods. This ensures optimum use per m² of greenhouse surface area.
Video: Leafy Greens System
Water conservation
The system is completely closed, ensuring that the plants only absorb the required water and the rest of the water is recycled, which means that a lot of water and nutrients can be conserved with this system. Experience teaches us that various types of leafy crops grow exceptionally well in this system.
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